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What Is A Sprouting Jar

December 03, 2019 2 min read

Sprouting Jar, Urban Plant Growers, sprouts

Sprouting jars are containers that provide the optimal conditions required for the germination and growth of sprout seeds.

What conditions do sprouts need to grow?

Like most seeds, sprout seeds thrive in warm and humid conditions. Ideally, you would grow them at 25 degrees celsius and 60% relative humidity, but don't worry there is a lot of wiggle room with these two requirements! What IS absolutely essential, is the need for adequate drainage. If your sprout seeds are left sitting in water for too long, the seeds can rot and eventually die.

What features do sprout jars need?

To meet these conditions, the ideal container will have some of the following features:

  • Glass or plastic construction - as this allows the seeds it to stay warm, kind of like a greenhouse.
  • A strainer lid to allow you to easily drain the jar on a daily basis (stainless steel is preferable as it will last longer, require less cleaning, and will not end up as plastic waste.
  • A stand of some sort that you can use to rest your jar upside down so that it can drain all day.

How do I get started with sprouts?

The Speedy Sprouter and seeds are all you need to get going, but if you want to do a rough and tumble DIY system, here are some typical things you could use:

  • A wide-mouth mason jar or any large jar that you have thoroughly cleaned
  • A mesh or cloth strainer with a mesh that has holes smaller than your smallest seed
  • An elastic band or piece of twine
  • Sprout Seeds

Steps to growing sprouts

Once you have all of this, the growing part is easy!

  1. Add seeds to your jar
  2. Rinse your seeds in water to clean them
  3. Attach the mesh cloth to the jar using your string or elastic band.
  4. Drain the water out.
  5. Submerse seeds in warm water at a 1:6 ratio of seeds to water
  6. Let your seeds  soak overnight
  7. Turn your Speedy Sprouter upside down and allow it to drain for 8 hours in a cool shaded place
  8. Rinse your seeds and drain again for another 8 hours
  9. Repeat step 7 until your sprouts have grown to an adequate size
  10. Sprouts can be placed in sunlight on their final day of growth to develop their flavour and provide a richer, greener colour.

That is all there is to it! As with everything, you will learn more as you go and will come to love how quickly and easily you can grow your own food.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

That's everything about what a sprouting jar is, if you want to learn more about sprouts read the rest of the series:

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